No-Deportations - Residence Papers for All
About No-Deportations


The Butchers Apron

        Nellie de jongh


Sanctuary for Moises Chipema his  Home is Here

Help Us Keep It That Way

Moises Bento Chipema is a 35 year old Angolan man who came to Britain in 2005

Moises had suffered persecution and serious threats to his life as a result of a 2002 provincial conflict between a Diamond company (of which Moises was an employee) and the Chokwe tribe. The conflict led to the deaths of two close friends and the assurance that he would also be killed.

Subsequent raids of his house by local militia forced Moises into hiding, eventually fleeing through fear for his life.

Recently his appeal to stay in the UK was turned down which signalled the culmination of a five year campaign where Moises has been forced to relive harrowing and tragic memories. He is now in detention and set to return to a country where he faces real and dangerous threats.

Forcing him to leave the UK could be seen as a breach of the 'freedom not to be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment' granted to every human being under Article 3, and the 'right to liberty and security' granted under Article 5 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

You can support Moises by downloading and signing petition <MoisesChipemaPetitin.doc >

and also by writing to:
Rt Hon Graham Stringer MP
(4th Floor, MANCAT, Moston Campus
Ashley Lane, Moston
Greater Manchester)
M9 4WU. 

Please send signed petitions, (and letters if you wish) to:
Friends Meeting House
6Mount St
Manchester M2 5NS
or email to

End of Bulletin:

Source for this Message:

Last updated 10 November, 2011