News & Views Monday 6th August to Sunday 12th August 2018  

Charter Flights (Escorts and Removals) Q2 April/May/June 2018 inclusive

400 persons were removed in Q2

Number of males 387

Number of females 13

Number of escorts 846

Number of flights in total 10

No Children were removed

Number flights to each country / number removed to each country

Albania                                                 5 Flights           270 Returnees

Switzerland/Austria/Bulgaria                1 Flight             20 Returnees

Ghana/Nigeria                                      1 Flight             35 Returnees

Pakistan                                               3 Flights           75 Returnees

All Data HO Response to a Freedom of Information Request

Brazil: Economy is Society’s Servant, Not Its Master

“People living in poverty, and other marginalized groups, are disproportionately suffering as a result of the stringent economic measures in a country once considered as an example of progressive policies to reduce poverty and promote social inclusion,” said a statement released by a group of seven UN human rights experts on Friday. According to the experts, data recently made available, reveals a rise in child mortality rates for the first time in 26 years, attributable in part to the Zika disease virus epidemic and economic crisis of recent years.

This is a serious concern, especially considering public health system budgetary restrictions and other social policies that compromise the State’s commitment to guarantee human rights for all, especially children and women, the experts elaborated. “Some of the financial and fiscal decisions made in the last years affect the enjoyment of several rights, including to housing, food, water, sanitation, education, social security and health, and are worsening pre-existing inequalities,” they added.

While the Government has underlined various measures to alleviate the adverse consequences, the experts find them largely insufficient. “Women and children living in poverty are among those hit hardest, as are Brazilians of African descent, rural populations, and people living in informal settlements,” said the experts. “We regret that efforts in relation to targeted policies addressing systemic discrimination against women have not been sustained.”

Read more United Nations News,

CPIN India: Women Fearing Gender-Based Violence

Basis of claim
1.1.1 A woman fearing gender-based violence from non-state actors amounting to persecution and/or serious harm.

1.2 Points to note
1.2.1 Gender-based violence could include, but is not limited to: domestic abuse, rape, acid attacks, dowry-related violence, sexual harassment and forced marriage.

1.2.2 Domestic abuse is not just about physical violence. It covers any incident or
pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. It can include psychological, physical, sexual, economic or emotional abuse. Children can also be victims of, or witnesses to, domestic abuse. Anyone can experience domestic abuse, regardless of background, age, gender, sexuality, race or culture. However, to establish a claim for protection under the refugee convention or humanitarian protection rules, that abuse needs to reach a minimum level of severity to constitute persecution or serious harm.

Published on Refworld, 06/08/2018

Sudan: Return of Unsuccessful Asylum Seekers

Basis of Claim

      1. Fear of persecution or serious harm by the state because the person has unsuccessfully claimed asylum in the UK.

Published on Refworld, 06/08/2018

Ireland: More Than 500 Asylum Seekers Granted Work Permits

More than 500 asylum seekers have been granted work permits under the new system introduced by the Government at the start of July. According to The Irish Times, 560 asylum seekers have been granted work permits and 326 have been refused on basis of eligibility. The new regime for asylum seekers to access the labour market was introduced over a year after an absolute prohibition on employment was ruled unconstitutional. A temporary regime, criticised by immigration practitioners for being too restrictive, was put in place after the Supreme Court struck down section 9(4) of the Refugee Act 1996 in February. Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan told The Irish Times: "The public information campaign has been ongoing since the Government decision, and I welcome the fact that applications cover a wide range of pursuits and interests. "I encourage all those eligible to acquaint themselves with the system, and assure them they can feel confident of protection and fairness under our laws."

Source: Irish Legal News

Latin America’s New Exodus

We’ve been banging the IRIN news drum regularly about Venezuela’s meltdown and how it’s causing regional problems as hundreds of thousands of hungry and desperate people flee south into Colombia and Brazil. Meanwhile, a bit further north another crisis has been brewing, and it hasn’t been getting nearly the attention it should. As Elizabeth Gonzalez points out in this podcast for Americas Society/Council of the Americas, more people (more than 300 in fact) have been killed in protests against President Daniel Ortega’s increasingly repressive regime in Nicaragua since April than were killed in similar circumstances in Venezuela during the whole of 2017. Again, the pressure is visible on the borders: this time, Nicaragua’s with Costa Rica, where 100-150 Nicaraguans are reportedly crossing every day through one point alone – that’s on top of some 23,000 who’ve already fled. What’s the problem? In a word: Ortega. Over the past 39 years he has carefully consolidated his power, largely propped up by Venezuelan oil money. He’s done that so successfully that the country now appears to be headed toward dictatorship. The current unrest was set off by his government’s April attempt to pass really unpopular changes to social security policy, but it soon morphed into broader anti-Ortega protests. The ensuing crackdown – killings, arrests, disappearances – has been extended from the students leading the demonstrations to the media and even the Catholic Church. As political analyst Javier Arguello tells Gonzalez: “We have a little North Korea now in Central America.”

Basra Asks, Where’s Our Oil Money?

Iraq’s much-needed post-war recovery is on shaky ground these days, as weeks of anti-government demonstrations that rocked the south and even reached Baghdad show no signs of slowing down. Protesters are frustrated by a lack of jobs, water, and electricity. Notably, while sectarianism is still part of Iraq’s system of governance and many people’s thinking (have you read “Searching for Othman” yet?), the unrest started in Basra – that’s the Shia heartland lashing out at a Shia-run central government. The protests started in early July, when Iran cut off its electricity supply to Iraq over unpaid bills, though some parts of the country had already been experiencing rolling blackouts. But there’s more going on here. As this helpful briefing from Crisis Group points out, many locals of oil-rich Basra are frustrated that the wealth their natural resources provide is not trickling down. A sample protest sign (above), courtesy of Babylon FM: “2,500,000 barrels per day; $70 per barrel; 2,500,000 x 70 = 0. Sorry, Pythagoras: we’re in Basra.”Same Old, Same Old: Diversity In The Aid Sector

The leadership of humanitarian organisations is among the world’s most inclusive and diverse, right? After all, the global aid industry works to relieve suffering, improve lives, and protect some of the world’s most vulnerable — and diverse — populations. Well, maybe it’s time to think again, a new discussion paper from Melbourne-based Humanitarian Advisory Group suggests. After reviewing studies on leadership diversity published over the last eight years, the report’s authors conclude that “humanitarian leadership is not adequately diverse across gender, ethnicity, race, disability, or age”. This lack of diversity includes the conspicuous dominance of “Anglo-Saxon men” in decision-making positions, while women are “greatly under-represented” in leadership roles across the UN. One recent study found 80 percent of charities in the UK had no ethnic minorities whatsoever on their leadership teams. In addition, the aid sector as a whole has done little to track and understand diversity in its ranks. The researchers suggest that a lack of diversity can hinder effective humanitarian response. Over the next two years, they plan to study whether there’s evidence that more diverse leadership teams lead to better results on the ground during humanitarian emergencies.


CPIN: Turkey: Kurdish Political Parties

Basis of claim

1.1.1       Fear of persecution or serious harm by the state due to the person’s actual or perceived political opinion as a member or supporter of either:

• Halklar?n Demokratik Partisi (Peoples’ Democratic Party) (HDP)

• Demokratik Bölgeler Partisi (Democratic Regions Party) (DBP)

Published on Refworld, 09/08/2018